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Challenge: Public awareness about breast cancer in Vietnam used to be low and it was no key priority for the government. Research found that breast cancer was thought to affect only certain types of people: ‘not me’. Moreover, Vietnamese hesitate to talk about anything unpleasant because if they do, they believe it will happen to them. Same goes for breast cancer.


Approach: Let’s talk about breast cancer without talking about breast cancer. To do so, the agency created a powerful campaign icon (.)(.) that enabled the conversation about breast cancer to happen. This initiated a multi-phased campaign ‘We Care for Her’ starting from the grass-roots level.


– 450 million media impressions
– 4,000 Vietnamese women had breast cancer screening
– 1,000,000 plays and views of the campaign clip
– The Vice-President attended the Pink Parade
– We Care For Her became a case study at the national university
– Successful influencing the MoH to save a special slot for breast cancer HER2+ in the Health Insurance Law.


More than 1,000,000 plays and views of the campaign clip and song on Zing MP3 and Youtube


450 million media impressions


On Vietnamese Women’s Day – 20/10, a Pink Parade was held to promote prevention and early detection of Breast Cancer.


More than 10,000 people joined with their beloved women in exciting activities such as biking, jogging, and breast screening.


Nearly 16,000 Vietnamese women had breast cancer screening offered by Ministry of Health